Ghana Institute of Journalism (GIJ) is one of the public Tertiary Schools in Ghana. It offers courses and programmes ranging from Undergraduate to Graduate. This content is useful for applicants who want to know more about Ghana Institute of Journalism (GIJ) Short Courses. It also organizes tailor-made courses for organizations on demand.
Below are the Ghana Institute of Journalism (GIJ) Short Courses. To address specific and training needs of organizations, customized courses can be arranged with the Institute. Continue reading below....
Ghana Institute of Journalism, GIJ Short Courses
Here are the Ghana Institute of Journalism (GIJ) Short Courses. The Institution offers short courses for practitioners and the general public in communication-related areas.
Check out the Short Courses as provided below:
- Radio Journalism
- Online Journalism
- T.V. Journalism
- Writing Skills
- Photo-Journalism
- Action and Strategic Planning
- Advanced Advertising
- Advanced Public Relations
- Radio and Television Presentation
- Public Relations, Advertising and Marketing
- Contemporary English Language
- Events Management
- Customer Care
- Advanced Communications
- Advance Marketing
- Broadcast Journalism
- Writing for Newspapers & Magazines
- Effective Public Speaking, Speech Writing and Presentation
For Further Information
For any enquiries or information, contact the Institute through the following:
- 0302-228336
- 0269-501772
- 0244211964
- 0277-44609
In addition to the above courses, the Institute organizes
tailor-made courses for organizations on demand.
The programmes run throughout the year, please contact the
Registry on 0244211964 for the Calendar.
Above are the Ghana Institute of Journalism (GIJ) Short Courses and other related information. For further details, click here.